Memoirs of a Fat Girl: Stop Talking About My Weight

Memoirs of a Fat Girl: Stop Talking About My Weight

Weight is a hot topic. It’s a subject people love to talk about. How to lose it. What makes someone gain it. Who has lost weight. How to lose weight quickly. How someone else lost weight and why they swear it worked. People love to discuss weight.

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Memoirs of a Fat Girl: Let's Talk About The Word 'Fat'

Memoirs of a Fat Girl: Let's Talk About The Word 'Fat'

I hate the word. Truly. I have so many negative feelings and memories associated with the word “fat,” that it actually makes me cringe to say it out loud. It sounds foreign coming out of my lips, leaving me with a sour bitter taste in my mouth. It tastes as bad as it sounds, like gasoline, but thick and sticky in texture.

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